Paying for education: “Education costs money, but then so does ignorance.” – Claus Moser, British scientist When state Sen. Billie Sutton of Burke sponsored a bill this legislative session to establish an Early Learning Advisory Council, former Sen. Tom Dempster...
Phubbing: The practice of snubbing others in favor of our mobile phones. – The Washington Post Lawmakers in Pierre are considering toughening up the penalty for texting while driving. At present, the violation is a petty offense, but if HB 1230 passes, the...
Valentine’s Day: “A corporate conspiracy conceived by candy makers, rose growers and jewelers to get people to spend money.” – Urban Dictionary Oops. Sorry I’m late with this reminder, gentlemen, since time is growing short. Yes, Valentine’s Day has a way of...
Legalizing marijuana: “We know what’s coming. If we don’t stop it, this is the birth of the next tobacco industry. It’s going to be like the birth of every other drug where the societal costs are much bigger than what any community is going to make on this.” – Bob...
Success: “That man is a success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much.” – Robert Louis Stevenson For as long as most locals can remember, Nelson Drug has anchored Main Street in downtown Arlington, population 899. Stores come and go in small town South...
Compromise: “The art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he received the biggest piece.” – Ludwig Erhard, German politician Gov. Dennis Daugaard wants the Legislature to extend the law passed in a June special session regarding nonmeandered...
New Year’s Resolution: A goal that you propose and then forget the next day. – Urban Dictionary I’m painfully aware that we’re already 10 days into January, so any discussion of New Year’s Resolutions is stale, old, and somewhat irrelevant. A better word for this...
News: A report of recent events; previously unknown information. – Merriam Webster Dictionary As news goes, 2017 was a blockbuster. Nationally, the mass killings, hurricanes and sexual abuse scandals shocked our consciousness and dominated the news cycles. In...
Outerwear: Garments, as raincoats, worn over other clothing for warmth or protection; overclothes. – Anticipating colder weather, I stopped in a men’s clothing store looking for a winter jacket since I didn’t find one under the Christmas tree. My...
Santa Claus: A plump, white-bearded and red-suited old man in modern folklore who delivers presents to children at Christmastime; also called Santa. – Merriam Webster Dictionary Clamorous kids romped and ran everywhere, like grade-school recess the last day of...