Good candidate: “I am asked all the time what makes a good political candidate. The ability to craft and tell a coherent story that emotionally connects with voters. There it is. That is the ‘secret sauce.’ ” – Alex Patton, political consultant Is Billie Sutton...
Free lunch: “There is no such thing as a free lunch.”— Milton Friedman, American economist and Nobel Prize winner. It would require a cold heart indeed to deny food to children. Kids from poor households need food in order to stay healthy and do better in school....
Emerald ash borer: A metallic green beetle native to eastern Asia that infests and kills ash trees and can spread through the transport of firewood. – The Free Dictionary Over many years in newspapering, I’ve talked to scores of persons in state government. None...
Politics: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” – Groucho Marx Watching the youth bull-dogging event at the State Fair on Saturday, I couldn’t help but admire the moxie these...
State Fair: An annual competitive and recreational gathering, usually held in late summer or early fall. It is a larger version of a county fair, often including only exhibits or competitors that have won in their categories at the county fairs. – Wikipedia If it’s...
Sermon: “We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the sermon on the mount.” General Omar N. Bradley The title of the Sunday sermon looked like trouble, for sure. “Would Jesus be a Democrat or Republican?” In today’s supercharged political atmosphere,...
Hailstorm: “Hail falls in narrow swaths and streaks, which makes it seem vindictive and personal.” – Jonathan Raban, author The photo told the story, or much of it. A shattered front window filled the dash and vehicle’s interior with hundreds of fragments...
Compromise: The settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions. – The Free Dictionary My sympathies to Rep. Lee Qualm of Platte, Majority Leader of the South Dakota House of Representatives. Herding cats isn’t what he signed up for. He...
Bats: “Bats drink on the wing, like swallows, by sipping the surface as they play over pools and streams.” — Gilbert White “Mom, dad, there’s a butterfly in my room.” Our daughter, aged 3, was standing at the top of the stairs, looking more amused than...
Baseball: “There are only two seasons: winter and baseball.” – Bill Veeck, Major League franchise owner Ray Strand peered in from the mound, checking the sign from his catcher. Fastball, I thought, since that was all I’d seen from the Chamberlain pitcher...