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Redactions both hide and protect

    Redacted: To put into suitable literary form; revise, edit. To hide or remove (confidential parts of a text) before publication or distribution. – During my time as a court and cops reporter for the Brookings Register in the 1970s, I rarely came...

Another day, another dollar for Uncle Sam

      Taxation: “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.” — Thomas Jefferson The sign along I-90 quotes Romans 6:23: “The wages of sin is death.” And then there is the clever retort by...

An overreach on style, form

       Style: “A distinctive manner of expression, as in writing or speech.” – Merriam Webster Dictionary Ain’t language grand? Two little words, “style” and “form,” caused a major breach between lawmakers and      Gov. Noem recently and even divided legislators...

Why piercings are so popular

       Gild the lily: To add ornament or decoration to something that is pleasing in its original state; to attempt to improve something that is already fine the way it is. – The Free Dictionary       She was probably 30. It’s often hard to tell these days. She...

Hardware stores aren’t invincible

      Hanging together: “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” — Henry Ford Wedmore Hardware had everything. If you needed a bolt, a plumbing fixture, or a specialty screwdriver, Bud Mills would find it for...

Here’s hoping spring is sprung

       Spring: The spring equinox, also called the March equinox or vernal equinox, falls on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, at 5:58 p.m. EDT. This event marks the astronomical first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. – The Old Farmer’s Almanac Baby calves...

Talking basketball instead of weather

  Basketball: “I tell kids to pursue their basketball dreams, but I tell them to not let that be their only dream.” – Kareem Abdul-Jabbar It was billed as the battle of the twin towers and I plead guilty to playing a part in the build-up. (You know how the media...

Diet or fast begins today

   Lent: “Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy.” – Pope Francis Is it mere coincidence that fasting, that traditional display of denial common among Christians during Lent, also coincides with winter’s growing layer of...

Music teacher hit all the right notes

      “A good teacher is like a candle. It consumes itself lighting the way for others.” – Author unknown Paging through the winter edition of Dakota Wesleyan Today, I was stopped by a photo of a man and woman who looked familiar. A closer look confirmed it....

Love of snow has its limits

     Snowbound: “Blockaded by snow.” — Merriam Webster Dictionary Snow covered the driveway to the farm house and looked like icing on a giant birthday cake. I could see the drifts curled high on the south side of the old garage, which acted like a snow fence...