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Political labels helpful to voters

     Label:  A word or phrase that describes or defines something or someone. – Merriam Webster Dictionary Little wonder that former congressional candidate Rick Weiland is pushing hard for the removal of party labels in important South Dakota elections. The state is...

Dignified addition to S.D. landscape

     Dignity –  A way of appearing or behaving that suggests seriousness or self-control. The quality of being worthy of honor or self-respect. – Merriam Webster Dictionary She stands tall overlooking the Missouri River valley at Chamberlain, and just about everyone...

More conflict ahead for science, religion

     Enhance:  heighten, increase; especially:  to increase or improve in value, quality, desirability, or attractiveness. – Merriam Webster Dictionary If your child was suffering from a dreaded disease, should there be any medicine or procedure off limits to save him...

Finding substitute for the ‘F’ word

     Euphemism: The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively explicit. – American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition Jill Stein is not yet a household name in America, though one recent poll places her as the choice of 2 percent of...

The changing face of our S.D. schools

Consolidation: To join or combine together into one thing; to make something, such as a position of power or control, stronger or more secure. –  Merriam Webster Dictionary In 2014 and 2015, a rarity was noted among South Dakota schools: There were no consolidations....

State Fair benefits from Nordby gift

       Philanthropist: A wealthy person who gives money and time to help make life better for other people. – Merriam Webster Dictionary The definition of philanthropist could easily be shortened to two words: Earl Nordby. Earl’s name is on the building, as they say,...