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Yes, it is still the World Series

World Series: A series of baseball games played in the fall of each year between the pennant winners of the major leagues to decide the professional championship of the U.S. – Webster’s Third New International Dictionary So there was this American couple eating...

Blue Ribbon Task Force wears white

     Blue Ribbon Task Force — A task force or committee, generally a group of people brought together to solve or advise on some important topic. — The telephone rang about 6:45 p.m., so I knew there was a good possibility it was a telemarketer....

Is South Dakota really conservative?

Social conservative: Observes traditional social values. Dedication to family and community. Celebration of country. Responsibility, self-reliance, initiative. The sort of mainstream values sometimes dismissed by the intelligentsia as “Norman Rockwell’s America.”—...

Grants are way to redistribute wealth

Grant:  An amount of money that is given to someone by a government, a company, etc., to be used for a particular purpose, such as scientific research. – Merriam Webster Dictionary. The headline trumpeted that Mitchell would receive $20,000 for mosquito control, along...

I’m happy I’m not a vegetarian

     Thanksgiving Day – A day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness and mercies; as, the fourth Thursday in November as a legal holiday in the U.S.  – Webster’s Third New International Dictionary When you and your family gather on Thanksgiving Day, here is a...

Grinches double up on local merchants

“Patronizing local retailers is important for the support of other causes. . , such as education. I don’t see the on-line only retailers supporting state and local government.” — Shawn Lyons, S.D. Retailers Association Humorist Dave Berry said the holiday...