World Series: A series of baseball games played in the fall of each year between the pennant winners of the major leagues to decide the professional championship of the U.S. – Webster’s Third New International Dictionary So there was this American couple eating...
Blue Ribbon Task Force — A task force or committee, generally a group of people brought together to solve or advise on some important topic. — The telephone rang about 6:45 p.m., so I knew there was a good possibility it was a telemarketer....
Social conservative: Observes traditional social values. Dedication to family and community. Celebration of country. Responsibility, self-reliance, initiative. The sort of mainstream values sometimes dismissed by the intelligentsia as “Norman Rockwell’s America.”—...
Grant: An amount of money that is given to someone by a government, a company, etc., to be used for a particular purpose, such as scientific research. – Merriam Webster Dictionary. The headline trumpeted that Mitchell would receive $20,000 for mosquito control, along...
Thanksgiving Day – A day appointed for giving thanks for divine goodness and mercies; as, the fourth Thursday in November as a legal holiday in the U.S. – Webster’s Third New International Dictionary When you and your family gather on Thanksgiving Day, here is a...
“Patronizing local retailers is important for the support of other causes. . , such as education. I don’t see the on-line only retailers supporting state and local government.” — Shawn Lyons, S.D. Retailers Association Humorist Dave Berry said the holiday...